Saturday 9 February 2008

I've been spying.....

This is it - my first real blog. I am going to start by dedicating this blog to English Mum in Ireland. English Mum happens to be my cousin and it is because of her that I started this blog. My brother, who is living in my basement at the moment - long story, may come back to it at a later date - told me about my cousin's blog when he first got here, just before Christmas. So, being the nosey individual that I am, I thought that I would take a sneak peak. It ended up not being a sneak peak. I have been reading her blog ever since and I have reaquainted myself with my cousin, who I have not spoken to in quite a while. It is all a bit odd really. I almost feel as though I have been spying on her. It is a rather one sided relationship, so I have decided to come out of the closet and let her know that I am here and I am reading and because of her, I have started my own blog. I don't suppose I will be posting as much as she does. I still have to pluck up the courage to put fingers to the keyboard and to push that post button, but I am sure that it will get easier the more I do it.

Anyhoo - thanks English Mum! Here is a link to her blog . Perhaps I shouldn't have given that. Now anyone who might be reading this will go to her blog and never come back to mine!


Anonymous said...

Aw shucks. Flattered! How lovely, though, to become reaquainted after such a long time. Gorgeous kitties, by the way, I've sent them a little task to get you started xxxx

Anonymous said...

Oops, reacquainted. Little blonde moment there... heh xx

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm - I noticed that spelling mistake in my blog after I posted it - I should try and work out how to use the spell checker! I hate to reinforce the blonde image - although I am more mousey than blonde these days!

Anonymous said...

Mainly grey .... but thats is probably due to the illegal alien in the basement

Anonymous said...

Hmmm. Illegal aliens have that effect. I've got one in the spare room that keeps feeding the dog biscuits. He's on track to be the world's first fat greyhound. Funny that we made the same spelling mistake - must be genetic he he.x