Sunday 8 June 2008

So, I didn't go diving, again.

I was going to go - really, I was. I know, I say that every time that I nearly go diving, but then something comes up that stops me. Perhaps it is too cold, or the sea is too rough, or it is raining and I don't want to get wet. What, what do you mean, you don't want to get wet!?! You are going diving, for goodness sake! Get a grip! Last time I went, I got there and the visibility was reported to be less than 5ft. Well, the whole point of me going diving is to try out my new wide angle lens and I can't do that if I can't see further than the hand in front of my face - unless I just want a photo of my hand.

So, what was my excuse this time? Yellow fever. Now, I think that is a very good excuse, don't you? OK, so I may not have full-blown yellow fever, but I have been feeling crappy ever since my yellow fever vaccination - another price to pay for our upcoming holiday.

Anyhoo, no diving this weekend, but I promise that I will get wet soon. Just to keep you all happy and coming back to my blog, I have given you a taste of photos to come. These were taken last year on the wreck of the HMCS Saskatchewan, sunk off the coast of Nanaimo, Vancouver Island. For more information, go to the Artificial Reef Society of B.C. Since I just went to the page, I have found out that a new wreck is going to be sunk right off the coast of Vancouver - I can now look forward to diving the HMCS Annapolis, a 371-foot Destroyer - how exciting!


Dawn said...

excellent photos!! cant wait to see more! do you have a waterproof case for your camera or one that is waterproof?

Anonymous said...

No Dawn, she never needs the waterproof case, as she never gets into any water, unless it's a hot tub ... seriously, she is the best, non-participating diver in the world !...

The last time I have known her to actually dive was when she abandoned her Brother, hanging over the edge of a boat, with a SEVERLY rupture ear drum ....

I coulda died you know ......

Don't Bug Me! said...

Dawn: Thanks! I have a housing for my Nikon and a mortgage for all my camera gear!

Everyone: Please take everything that my brother says with a large bag of salt. If it hadn't been for me, he would have ended up with a ruptured lung as well as the eardrum, given the way he was bolting for the surface. I will admit that once I got him safely to the surface, I did bugger off on the dive - well, I wasn't going to miss the 80lb octopus that nearly pulled me into his den last time I saw him, was I?

Anonymous said...

Abandoned ..... left....., all alone .....

My dearest sister has no love for her baby brother .....

Don't Bug Me! said...

Oh please - you were just fine later on in the hottub when the scantily dressed woman came along!

Anonymous said...

Holy Guacamole, an 80lb octopus? That's amazing ! Sounds like a Jules Verne creature of the deep.

Anonymous said...

'Holy Guacamole' LOL!!!

Now you kids play nice. Moon: admit that she saved you and Bugs: admit that you left him to fend for himself with the monster in the hot tub. Oh, hang on....

Don't Bug Me! said...

CA: I might be exaggerating slightly on the size, but only slightly - it really was huge. I decided to take my glove off and pet him, he decided that I would make a nice addition to his den. Mr. DBM disagreed and a tug of war insued, with me acting as the rope. Luckily, octopi have a very short attention span, he got bored, Mr. DBM won and we all went on our merry way. I am now a little more cautious when encountering octopi with suckers as big as dinner plates!

EM: Do you think we will ever grow up and stop arguing? I suspect not - that is what brothers and sisters do, after all!

Anonymous said...

and she started it !

Don't Bug Me! said...

and I shall finish it!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I glad you got away unscathed. It must have been so strong; did it leave you with octopi love bites?

Don't Bug Me! said...

Hi CA. Yes, I did end up with octopus hickies on my hand. Luckily, Mr. DBM was there at the time, so I didn't need to try and explain them to him!