Sunday 9 May 2010

Macro Monday Mystery #3

Since I am a little busy at the moment  (box 105, if you are interested), I thought that I would leave it up to you to write my blog this week. Well, really, why should I be the one to do all the work around here? So, here is my macro photo for this week. All you have to do is tell the story of what on earth is happening here. Marks will be given for the names of the organisms involved and for what is actually going on. If you haven't got a clue, marks will be given for original and/or completely made up information.

If I have time, I will be back on Wednesday, maybe, to explain what is going on, unless some bright spark has already come up with the answer, then I won't have to. So, could someone please, please be a bright spark, since I am moving on Thursday. Thank you!

For more Macro Monday, go here.


Colleen said...

Cool shot. It looks like it could be a starfish eating a clam, but I'm kind of making that up since I've never seen this happen up close and personal like that.

I hope the move goes smoothly for you.

Jay said...

My first thought was a starfish, but then I thought, maybe it's an urchin? I have no clue what it's doing though. It looks as if it's maybe doing a bit of grooming on a friend. I don't think it's eating the friend, but I could be wrong. What is the friend? Hmm ... um ... a sea otter? OK, maybe the sea otter is eating the starfish? LOL!

Great picture!

Sistertex said...

Yes I have to agree with the others. First thought - starfish having a snack! :)

And I then I hate to be dim...but Box 105? Don't get that one.

Cortes said...

I also have to agree. Starfish opening a bearded clam. Perhaps it is too easy and we are being fooled, but I think Colleen got it spot on.

Jama said...

My first guess is also starfish, I've seen a starfish closeup and they do have lots of similar tentacles like these on the underside of their bodies.

Kala said...

I too will echo what Colleen wrote.

diane b said...

I have no idea. I could go along with the others or it could be a new easy to hold hair brush.

Jayne said...

Kissing sea urchins?? ...I don't know to be honest but it's an interesting shot. :)

jabblog said...

This is a cross-breeding project between two completely unrelated species. The pink one on the left with the fleshy appendages is attempting to bring a little beauty into the offspring. The aim of the crusty, be-barnacled fellow on the right is to ensure that the baby will always have a secure residence.

Hootin Anni said...

Okay....whatever it's creepy looking. LOLOLOL

My Macro is HERE. I do hope you can find time to stop for a visit with me today!

Daniela said...

Well , what ever it is, ypur photo is amazing, i love it :)

Rita said...

Mmm....seems to me there could be a bit of copulation going on Well maybe just a tasty meal?

English Mum said...

It's a something with tentacles and its tickling a mussel, cos everyone knows mussels have a very amusing laugh.

I'll get my coat...

"Lillagul" said...

I hope I can spell what I think it is :)
I think it´s a Starfish that is going to open up and eat a Clam.
Really cool shot by the way !

Don't Bug Me! said...

Hi All,
Well aren't you a clever bunch. I guess that just means that my next Macro Mystery will have to be a little bit harder, won't it! Just in case you are still not quite sure what is happening here, the full story will be posted ASAP.

Sistertex: Box 105 - that is the number of boxes that I have packed so far prior to moving, which I am doing on Thursday / Friday. Arrgghhh!