Sunday 17 October 2010

Macro Monday Mystery #7

So, the time has come for another little Macro Mystery. Now, I suspect that these might be a little easy for you, so I am not going to give you any clues. Nope, you don`t need them, I know you can do this without any help. The one thing that I will tell you is that both were found and photographed in the same habitat, so if you can get one, that will be a good clue for the other. I would also like to add that I think that my Macro Mystery is much easier than Jay's, over at the Depp Effect.

So, thinking caps on, answers in the comments section please.

For more Macro Monday, go here.

If you haven't voted for me yet - why not!?! I am that bad? Am I not worthy? Or are you just fed up with me bugging you about it? Fair enough.

If you still want to vote, just go here. I am to be found in the Best Blog Overall category, which is a shame really, since I think I might have fared better in the one that includes photography. Oh well, what can you do?


David said...

Howdy from Texas! that top macro but haven't a clue what it might be.
Those textures and patterns are the coolest. Happy MM from
David/ Tropical Texana/ Houston

A Bit of the Blarney said...

I just visit to look at the pics...No guesses here! ;) Cathy

Colleen said...

Not a clue, but very cool pictures!

Susannah Anderson said...

Gooseneck barnacles. That's the first, I think; the other, I'm not so sure. I'll go look up some possibilities.

Susannah Anderson said...

Maybe tubeworms? (Wildly speculating.)
I love this type of puzzle!

Roan said...

Both are barnacles, just 2 different varieties. Gorgeous macros!

genie said...

Both shots are great, but you have e stumped. I have looked and studied them, but do not have a clue as to what they are. My husband says the first one reminds him of seashells, and the second looks like something from under a microscope....No...we do not have a clue, but it is a GREAT macro post. Happy MM to you and your unusual shots.

Susannah Anderson said...

Both barnacles? (BJ Roan)
Maybe, but I don't see it. I went back and examined the photos I took of small barnacles yesterday, and they just don't have anything that would look like those round pebbles, from any angle.
What species of barnacle?

Kala said...

You have me stumped. No clue what they are of!

Rosie@leavesnbloom said...

I have not got a clue - great photos though and they would be great textures to add to any photo.

Bom said...

I have no idea. Definitely look ocean related but not corals.

Hootin Anni said...

They both look reptilian in textures...perhaps turtles or snake skin?

My macro photo is it a TREE SERPENT?

English Mum said...

Ooh aren't those top ones the thing they have a foodie festival for in Spain? Not sure about the other though...

Laurie said...

You have me stumped. Great shots.

Maaike said...

no clue at all
but it's a great macro

Sistertex said...

I'm going with barnacles....cuz I have no idea atall.


Susannah Anderson said...

The skin of a starfish! Plain as day, once I've seen it.

Jessica - Magical Mundane said...

The first one looks like a gooseneck barnacle.

The second one is definitely a starfish. The bottom part with the suckers and mouths.

Katie said...

Those are amazing and I haven't a clue what they are! ...something ocean related...great guess, huh?! lol ;)

Jay said...

Ha!! Easier???? Mine is a doddle compared to yours! ROFL!!

The first one looks like snakeskin, but I'm betting it's not. And the second ... well, my best guess is that they are either some kind of fruiting bodies or something you might find somewhere damp. Maybe ocean?

Cortes said...

Gingivitis? Just need to be different.

pip said...

I think the habitat may have been a rock pool... but no idea what they are! Love the top pic :)

Frogmum said...

GREAT macros :D I think the first one might be some weird variety of muscle and the second the underside of a starfish? Just a guess..!

Baino said...

I think the top one is turtle somethings but the bottom one looks like prettily decorated tangerine jelly . . mmmm jelly.

Don't Bug Me! said...

David et al: Howdy, Stranger! All will be revealed on Thursday.

GrandmaK: Glad to have you visit, come on by anythime.

Colleen: I could give you a clue, but some clever clogs has already guessed the answer, so I don't need to.

Susannah: Spot on! Well done, although you do have a slight home advantage :o) And I see you got the second one too ......... eventually!

BJ Roan: The top one is a barnacle, but not the bottom one.

Genie: Thanks for stoppping by - if you come back on Thursday I will post some more info about my macro Monday subjects.

Kala: All will be revealed on Thursday.

Rosie: Ask Susannah, she knows.

Bom: You are on the right track.

Hootin': Nope, neither of these has a backbone.

EM: Might have known you would have a foodie angle on this one! But you are right for the top one. I wouldn't fancy eating them, nor the bottom ones, come to that. I am now wondering if anyone eats the bottom ones. Sigh, off to Google I go....... I shall report back soon.....

Laurie: Thanks.

Maaike: Come back on Thursday!

Sistertex: Barnacles work for one, but not the other. BTW, your Fidget is rather gorgeous, isn't he?

Jessica: Right on! Your only slight error was that it is the top of a starfish, not the underside.

Katie: Defintely ocean dwellers, right on the edge on the rocky shore.

Jay: I would like to point out that several people have correctly guessed my mysteries, so they can't be too hard, can they? Yours, on the other hand......... has anyone got it yet?

Cortes: No.

Pip: Spot on with the habitat.

Caroline: Mussel is close and the starfish is correct, but the top rather than underside. Well done.

Baino: Hmmmmm, jelly.........

jay said...

You mean people have guessed this one right??? I bow to them!

Um. No. Nobody's guessed this latest one of mine yet. Maybe I should have posted it in colour.. ;)

Suldog said...

Oh, good. I'm glad the answer was here, as I had no clue. My best guess would have been some sort of eggs.

Dave said...

Easy peasy - didn't look at the other answers but as a former Parks Canada naturalist at Pacific Rim National Park these are pretty straight forward - Goose-neck barnacles and a close up of a "Purple" Seastar (Pisaster ochraceus) which comes in a variety of colours.

Gorgeous shots!

Don't Bug Me! said...

Suldog: It really helps having the answer, doesn't it?

Dave: Ahh, if anyone would get it, I knew it would be you! It really was easy, wasn't it?