Thursday 24 March 2011


.......and no, I am not talking about my brother!

Nope, I am talking about this:

 A supermoon is, and I quote astrologer Richard Nolle, 1979:

"A new or full moon which occurs with the Moon at or near (within 90% of) its closest approach to Earth in a given orbit (perigee). In short, Earth, Moon and Sun are all in a line, with Moon in its nearest approach to Earth."

This happened on the 19th  March, 2011, so I am a little late with my posting, but better late than never, eh?

Oh, and there is no truth to any comments about the supermoon being responsible for natural disasters, such as the Japanese or Indonesian earthquakes and tsunamis. It is all just a bunch of hooey (sp?), much like most other things reported in the news today. I could get into a little (big?) rant about this, but apparently I don't have to - Baino has already taken care of it for me. Thanks Baino!


English Mum said...

God that's amazing. How on earth do you do that? In fact, no, don't tell me - I bet it's something to do with massively expensive lenses or filters or something...

Gorgeous shot though x

Cortes said...

Yes, an amazing shot. Don't even mind the power line, gives it a sense of place! Well done.

Baino said...

Aww lovely pic. We missed it here since the weather's been overcast.

Don't Bug Me! said...

EM: Well, you see, what I did was.....oh wait, you told me not to tell you.......

Cortes: I did think about photoshopping the line out, but I couldn't be bothered and it didn't actually annoy me too much, so I left it there.

Baino: I caught it just before it dipped down below the horizon - 2 minutes after I took this shot it was gone.

jay said...

Ah .. how beautiful!! I didn't even see it - no idea it was going to happen, you see, and it must have been one of those nights we didn't walk Sid after moon up.