Monday 13 June 2011

The Cats are Back!

That's it, I have had enough!

Everytime I come to my blog, I see those same old photos over and over again. OK, so they might be nice photos, but I really don't want to look at them forever. So, the time as come to post something new. And can anyone possibly think of anything more beautiful to look at than my cats!?!

I haven't been around for quite some time due to a little bit of surgery I had a while ago - April 1st, to be precise. The date seems quite fitting, since I was a fool for thinking that I would be up and running and back to normal in a few short weeks. Idiot! I am still not back at work, although I am finally starting to feel a little more like myself. For part of my convalescence, I have been bird watching. Nothing too strenuous - mostly sitting on my patio with a pair of binoculars or at my bedroom window watching the pair of eagles sitting in the tree at the end of my garden. Every-so-often, we get a sunny day, and I go and sit at the end of my garden and watch the birds in the trees from the shade of my little old pear tree. Of course, the cats follow me where ever I go, which doesn't really help my bird watching pursuits, but, as always, they put a smile on my face as they slither through the long grass that is my own personal meadow. Well, yes, we could cut the grass, but why would we? I just love the way it ripples and waves in the wind, the sun highlighting the heads of the grasses. I also love watching my cats trying to avoid all contact with it when it is still wet from the early morning dew while still trying to cross the open space as quickly as possible so that they don't get eaten by the eagles!

It is raining again today, so I guess it is back to indoor bird watching. I suppose I could go back to the house renovations? Ah, but no, I am still recovering. I wonder how long I can get away with that excuse?


Rita said...

For as long as you need to, Deb...please don't do too much too soon [I sound like a boring old auntie - whoops, I am!].

Looking forward to seeing you fit and well at the christening....race you round the cricket field!!

English Mum said...

Absolutely wonderful to have you back! Can't wait for more photos (and a cheeky drink or three together at the christening) Chin chin! xx

Cortes said...

I was wondering how long you could resist a return to the Blog. I look forward to more posts! Will also assist in cutting the meadow, as I am not sure that I agree that nature is quite as beautiful as a well manicured lawn.

Baino said...

Hi Debs. Hope the recovery is going well and I love the idea of a personal meadow (actually I've got one but the grass isn't that long, just can't be bothered mowing) and yes, they're lovely cats. Sadly, I have an allergic daughter so no furry friends for me other than the dog.

Carolina said...

It's so good to see you back here. And your gorgeous cats. I hope you're recovering well from your not so minor surgery. Eagles in your garden! Wow! Would they really attack your cats? We have Buzzards, or Buteo buteo's in Latin, in our neighbour's garden and have lost a couple of chickens to them.

Don't Bug Me! said...

Auntie: Not old or boring! I am not sure I want to take you up on the race around the cricket field, I fear you may win rather easily!

EM: Whipsnade, mojitos ....... things are looking up!

Cortes: Hey - no-one is cutting my meadow! I like it just the way it is. I am considering scattering a few wildflower seeds onto your rather boring lawn though.

Baino: But the dog is rather lovely.....

Carolina: One of the eagles crash landed and then fell off the roof a couple of days ago! I do worry a little about them attacking the cats - they have certainly been known to go after small dogs and carry them off, so it is not unreasonable to think that they couldn't take a cat. And they certainly do put a bit of a damper on the whole idea of getting chickens!

Moon said...

Wide Angle lens required ?

Jay at The Depp Effect said...

So sorry to hear that your recovery is taking longer than you hoped.

Sounds like lounging in the garden is the way to go. As to the cats .. maybe you need to string wires across the garden about ten feet off the ground. You can grow things along them, but it should be enough to prevent a bird with a large wingspan from landing and carrying off your cats!

Kate said...

Have that long, convalescence, and enjoy! - I see you in a sunhat, in one of those old wheelchairs with a little wheel at the front, rug over your knees, being pushed around the grounds of some Victorian sanatorium by a handsome orderly, enjoying the roses and the birds.

jabblog said...

Take care, take your time and use the excuse for as long as you can possibly get away with it!

Suldog said...

My goodness, how are you doing? It's been quite a while. Everything OK?