Sunday 6 February 2011

Macro Monday Mystery #8

So, did anyone miss me? Has anyone noticed my absence in the blogosphere over the past few weeks? Probably not....... And I wouldn't get too used to me being back since I might not be around all that much for a while. Things happen you know. Sometimes a blog just seems more like a chore than it should and it just gets lost in all the crap that is life. But, I am here, at least for one week, and so......

Macro Mystery #8 - and, for once, it is not anything cute, furry, living or breathing. Nope, it is just something that I see everyday and everyday I think hmmmm, that would make a nice photo. Today, I finally dusted my camera off and took a shot. I am hoping that this might get me back into my photographic groove and I might start snapping away again. But for now, these two photos will have to do.

What do you think it is?

For more, much better, Macro Monday photos, go here.

And the answer is.........


Cortes said...

Welcome back! This is a bit of a teaser. It appears to be glass, or crystal, or a very shiny metal. I think I can see the scoring left by the machining, but have absolutely no idea what it is. It looks like it might be a support of some kind.

MarieElizabeth said...

Really neat - looks like the base of a lamp.

Grandad said...

The top one started to look like the base of an oil lamp, but then I saw the bottom one.

Now I'm confussed.

*wanders away quietly muttering to himself*

Kim, USA said...

This is a lamp shade stand. ^_^
Macro Monday

Carletta said...

I too was going to go with an oil lamp looking at the first one. The second doesn't appear to be that. I'll go with a fancy cologne bottle.

Tammie Lee said...

fun and interesting photos, with lovely light. Love your blog header too.

Anonymous said...

macro photos are fun.

Hootin Anni said...

I'm thinking one of those barometer thingies with the oil 'bubbles' going up and down with pressure systems. LOL

Pansy Blossom

Sistertex said...

As a matter of face...YES! I did miss you.

Sistertex said...

OH..and I didn't mean to just publish that comment ... I am always wordier than that!. :)

I think this is glass beads. Perhaps a little chain of sorts.

And I do offer up some hugs and wish you a day to day filled with less crap and more 'good things'.

I have been rather absent myself considering how much I used to do with my blog - new job which takes me away from home and fills my time with 'priority have to dos' instead of time to do things I used to.

Lots of hugs to you - be well.

Carolina said...

Yeah I missed you. I thought you were hanging out in some exotic place on Earth while we were all buried kneedeep in snow. But perhaps not.
I think your Macro Mystery is a very stylish glass lamp base.

Kala said...

Looks like the base of a glass lamp to me. Welcome back!

Johnny Nutcase said...

hmm, i'm not great with the guessing game but maybe a tall candle holder or...soemthing?? either way it definitely makes a nice photo! And...yes! actually, I was wondering where you were..i've been missing the cute fuzzy guys! :) Hope all is okay!

Don't Bug Me! said...

Well done Marie Elizabeth, Kim, Carolina and Kala - it is indeed a lampshade stand.

And thanks for missing me Sistertex, Carolina and Johnny Nutcase - I wish I was swaning around some exotic country, but the reality is a whole lot more boring - just life getting a bit complicated and busy, that is all.

Kate said...

I have to admit that I didn't miss you because I didn't even know you'd been away from bloggo... because I have too.

I know what you mean about life...

Am beginning my Masters in about a week. Towards a categorisation system for the structural spectra of NZ Coleoptera elytra.

Don't Bug Me! said...

Katherine: Coloeptera elytra eh!?! Now that sounds interesting!