Friday 16 May 2008

So, what do you think she said.....?

It is Friday, I have just had two rather large G and Ts and I am feeling a little silly. So, I thought that I needed a little silly post to go along with my mood - for once, there is absolutely no edumicational content to this post! It is the end of the week, it is sunny and it is a long weekend.........

So, what do you think Willow is saying to her sister, Tess?

Mr. DBM seems to think that it might be something along the lines of "Tess, you really are a bit weird." This stems from the fact that she really is a bit weird. She seems to spend an inordinate amount of time in the basement, just staring at objects. One day, it is the washing machine, then it is a chair and today it was the wall. She just sits there, staring. Don't you think that it is wonderful how much we love our pets (insert children, other half, family etc) despite all their little faults? English Mum has a greyhound that she and her family obviously love dearly, despite the fact that he appears to have a roo loose in the paddock. My Tess is apparently a sandwich short of a picnic, but I love her none-the-less. At least we are willing to admit that our loved ones are not perfect. Nothing bugs me more than parents who claim to have perfect children! Well, perhaps there are some things.................


Anonymous said...

God, me too. I always want to punch those bloody yummy mummies when they guff on about their darling ones when I've had them round for tea and know that they're absolute little shits. I had one that refused to pick up toys after playing with them because 'I don't do clearing up'. 'Get used to it, Pal, you're at English Towers Bootcamp now'.

Oh, and I think Willow's saying 'oh shit, here she comes with the furminator!'

Don't Bug Me! said...

Oh, that reminds me, they are due for another FURmination...... Thanks EM.

Also, if I am ever in your area, perhaps I won't come and visit since "I don't do clearing up" very well either!

Anonymous said...

Quite clearly tess has just told her that the monster from the basement is returning !

Anonymous said...

Grrrr, just typed a great big comment only to be kicked out again...bloody blogger!!!

It was something along the lines of I don't do cleaning up either, judging by the huffing and tutting Hubby's been doing since being home! Oh and clearing up after a little 7 year old dictator? Ain't gonna happen!! x

Don't Bug Me! said...

EM: I actually cleaned the bathroom today - there are just some things that have to be cleaned regularly (and by regularly, I don't mean once a year!)

Moon: I actually think that Tess does miss you. Hard to believe, I know.....

Anonymous said...

Well, she is a litle bag of crazy isn't she ..... can I have her please ?

Don't Bug Me! said...

Poor little Tessie is cowering in the basement right now - we are in the middle of a huge thunderstorm with the kind of thunder that shakes the whole house.

And no, you can't have her.

Anonymous said...

busy at work then ???

Oh go on .. she would love it down here, and I won't pull her tail anymore .......

Don't Bug Me! said...

I could hardly leave her on her own.......and don't lie!