Saturday 7 February 2009

A Photo Challenge

All I did was enquire where the gorgeous Bert was, and this is what I get landed with. A photo challenge. Well, thank you very much, Englishmum. Still, it was not all that onerous a task. All I had to do was go and look at my picture files - select the fourth file and then the fourth photo within that file and publish it. Luckily for me, it was quite a nice one and it carries on with my desert theme from the previous post.

So here we are - feast your eyes on a pile of boulders in the middle of the Namibian desert, just as the sun is starting to set.

Anyone else like to take up the challenge?


Anonymous said...

I just did!

Anonymous said...

I too will leave one. I keep deleting my photo library, for some stupid reason, but I think I may still have some left. We'll see.

Baino said...

Well then? What's the story behind the boulders? Namibian desert? C'mon DBM your holding back . .it looks for all the world like a part of the Kimberleys in Western Australia . . .I'm on the list. Prolly Tuesday.

Don't Bug Me! said...

Carole: What a wonderful part of the country you live in. Well, perhaps not quite so wonderful in the middle of winter.....

Cortes: There is probably a very good reason for deleting some photos!

Baino: This was taken a couple of years ago when Mr. DBM and I were on safari in Southern Africa. It is funny that you should compare the scenery to that of Australia, since we did that a lot when we were there. The coast south of Cape Town was very reminiscent of South Australia's coast, and then all the red rock and dry desert in Namibia bought back memories of Western Australia.
As for the boulders themselves, well, they were just very beautiful with the low sun striking them and bringing out their colour. I did get in trouble later on, since I stayed in amongst the boulders to get a good sunset photo. When I got back, I was informed that there are leopards in the area that like a tasty tourist. Ooops - perhaps they should have told me that before I went wandering off!

Anonymous said...

Ooh that's purdy. I'm so bloody sick of snow, I could do with some nice blue sky and a bit of sun on my face. Well done, A+ there girl. x

Anonymous said...

That is a gorgeous photo!! Not sure I'm up to photo challenges right now, but I'm enjoying yours. :)