Sunday, 12 December 2010

Macro Monday: No Time!

Sorry, no time for Macro Monday this week - I have Christmas cards to write, doors to spray and install, essays to mark and exams to give. Oh yes, all that Christmas baking has to be done as well.

Still, while I am here, I might as well share this little cutie with you.........
Isn't he adorable?

This little chap was one of the smaller critters that I saw on my trip to Alaska this summer. We were in Denali National Park, where it rained most of the time. But, as luck would have it, we did get a stunning view of Mt. Denali the day we were leaving the park.

So, I lied. I guess I did have time. Best get on with the Christmas cards now, perhaps that will be a little more successful than the door spraying........

Blimey! A huge bald eagle just flew right past my window - right in front of me. Shame my camera is being serviced right now.

For more Macro Monday, go here.


Cortes said...

I love the landscape! These are my favorite photos, and you do them so well!

Trish ~ ♥ ~ said...

cute little critter, the landscape is lovely, so peaceful

Christina, Sweden said...

it's gorgeous and the scenery on the second one is great
I still have my cinnamon cakes to do but I made some sweets, chocolate toffes (old recipe) and liquorice fudge (new test, turned out dangerously good)
good Luck with your Christmas preparations!

Carletta said...

There is never enough time I find! :)
He is a very cute critter. You captured him well.
Love the landscape with the reflection.

Sistertex said...

Beauties and Cuties! Happy Holidays!!

A Bit of the Blarney said...

He is a cutie!!! Wishing you well! Cathy

Jama said...

That a gorgeous scenery!

Kala said...

Wonderful detail in that little chap and of course, a lovely landscape. Have a good time writing your cards!

Nicolette said...

He is so adorable... Wonderful photos and hope you get everything done in time for Christmas.

Hootin Anni said...

Get crackin'!!!! Sounds like you need a 48 hour day!

Santa Centerpiece Do stop by sometime this week, I have a special hand made giveaway going on right now!!!

jabblog said...

Wonderful! The little creature looks very cute but the landscape is outstanding.

Karen said...

Cute critter and magnificent landscape.

Suldog said...

What is he? A groundhog?

(I'm a city boy. If it's not a squirrel or chipmunk, I don't know what it is.)

Ingrid said...

What a cutie !

Maaike said...

very cute!

Carolina said...

You really have to make that book with Blurb (when the cakes are sprayed and the doors are written and whathaveyou). I'm sure it will be a bestseller! Your writing ánd your photos... a great combination.

The Powells said...

What a cute little critter! I love the picture of him. I also love the composition of the landscape it really catches to eye.

Lauren said... that a marmot? A whoary marmot!?

Unknown said...

I love him! ANd that view too! Hoping you're getting all your stuff accomplished! This time of year is overwhelming!

MYM said...

Gorgeous photos! He's got an adorable face :)

Jay at The Depp Effect said...

The little critter is terminally cute, but wow! That pic of Mt Denali is stunning!! Such gorgeous colours and light. Almost makes me want to go there.

Bald eagle? Where???

Unknown said...

Just stumbled onto you blog from the Nature Blog Network and I really like what I see... Thanks for sharing. You are a talented photographer!

Don't Bug Me! said...

Hi John!
Sorry - life has been rather busy recently and my poor blog has suffered from inattention. I will be back posting soon, I hope, and I hope you will come back and visit again.